STEP2.TOTAL PRICE CALCULATOR Selected Final Country & Nearest Port & etc

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  • Nearest Port Other
  • Insurance
  • Inspection

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Total Price calculator will estimate the total price of the car(s) based on your shipping destination port and other preferences.
Note:In some cases the total price cannot be estimated.

3cars found


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Mitsubishi Fuso Rosa
3000cc ADVANCE LONG 3.0★4P10-ENGINE★BACK CAMERA★AT TPG-BE640G Automatic Blue
Year : 2019
Mileage : 51,675km



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Country & Port

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Country & Port


Mitsubishi Fuso Rosa
2990cc Super long 29-seater bus 3.0☆4P10-ENGINE☆Automatic swing door☆ TPG-BE640J Manual
Year : 2019
Mileage : 54,326km



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Country & Port

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Country & Port


Mitsubishi Fuso Rosa NEW
4200cc 4.2 BUS 4WD☆4D33‐ENGINE☆MANUAL PUMP☆29SEATER☆HIGH DECK☆ U-BG437F Manual Other
Year : 1993
Mileage : 203,926km



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Country & Port

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Country & Port
