Welcome to Real Motor Cayman Islands

Real Motor Japan fast delivers high quality used vehicles to ports close to the Cayman Islands. Place your order today!

Recommended Cars

Toyota MARK X
FOB. US$2,467
Toyota MARK X
FOB. US$2,400
FOB. US$2,900
FOB. US$1,734
FOB. US$1,734
FOB. US$934
FOB. US$867
Nissan NOTE
FOB. US$967

Information About Car
Import into the Cayman Islands

Regulations, taxes and rules for importing cars into the Cayman Islands

In order to import a car into the Cayman Islands, one would need to get the car to the Port of Miami or Tampa, clear US customs and book the car onto the next ship sailing to the Caymans. The owner would need to take all the paperwork to Customs and then the Port Authority to pay the import duty (29.5%-42% depending on the value of the car), plus a one-time fee for future car disposal. A customs broker can be hired to help with the process as it can be a little tedious and time consuming.

The average cost for shipping a mid-sized vehicle with either Seaboard Marine or Thompson Line is US$1400 without insurance. However, it is highly recommended that insurance is added. US Customs Law states that the Vehicle Title for used cars must be stamped by US Customs for a 72 hour clearing period (excluding delivery days, shipping and weekends) prior to the shipping date. It is also highly recommended that a Customs Broker be used to assist with the process.

All vehicles must be delivered to the Port before US Customs clearance. The port the vehicle is shipped to depends on the shipping company used. The following are the shipping companies that can be used to ship to the Cayman Islands:

Hyde Shipping

10025 NW 116th Way, Suite 2, Medley, FL 33178
US TEL (305) 913-4933
(345) 947-4933
Website www.hydeshipping.com

Seaboard Marine

8001 NW 79th Avenue, Miami, FL 33166
US TEL (305) 863-4775
Micro Commerce Center, Grand Cayman
Cayman TEL (345) 949-4977
Website www.seaboardcayman.com

Thompson Line

9505 NW 108th Avenue, Medley, FL 33178
US TEL (305) 805-6620
Cayman TEL (345) 949-8044
Website www.thompsonline.com

It is the owner's responsibility to get their vehicle cleared through US customs or have a customs broker do so. The following brokers are based in Miami and can help with this process:

Deluxe Freight

11013 NW 30th Street, Suite 100, Doral, FL 33172
TEL (305) 513 0156
Cayman Agent: CICA (345) 949 2350
E-mail cargo@deluxefreight.com
Website www.deluxefreight.com

Seapack Inc

9950 NW 17th St, Doral, FL 33172
US TEL (305) 592 1150
(345) 949 5989
E-mail Mercedes@seapackline.com

They can also assist with the transfer of the vehicle from the dealership to the port and help with cargo insurance. In addition, they will send all the paperwork by courier and it can be collected in Cayman.

Once the car has landed at the port in Cayman you will be notified by the shipping company. If a customs broker is used they will communicate with their contact in Cayman. However, if you are doing it independently the next steps are to be followed:

Collect paperwork from the shipping company and pay shippers
Pay the duty for vehicles and the environmental fee (CI$250 or CI$1250) at Customs
Pay the port charges of about CI$50 depending on the weight of the vehicle at Port Authority
Get insurance for the vehicle (proof of insurance is needed before the car can be licensed at DVDL)
Collect the vehicle
Go to the DVDL to license the vehicle for one year, have it inspected and purchase Cayman Island's license plates. They will need to see the vehicle's certificate of title.

The Cayman Islands don't have direct taxes, so in order to raise revenue the Government charges import duty on all vehicles imported into the islands. The percentage charged depends on the value of the car and is worked out using Kelly Blue Book. For more information visit www.kbb.com.

The following are the different rates:

CIF up to CI$20,000 = 29.5%
CIF up to CI$25,000 = 32%
CIF up to CI$30,000 = 37%
CIF from CI$30,000 and up = 42%

Other useful information for local customers

The following are the different duty rates for vehicles imported into the Cayman Islands:

Up to $12,000 or c.i.f. (used cars only) 29.5%, environmental fee $1,000 and waste handling fee $250
Up to $20,000 or c.i.f. value 29.5%
Between $20,001 and $25,000 or c.i.f. value 32%
Between $25,001 and $30,000 or c.i.f. value 37%
More than $30,000 or c.i.f. value 42%

Environmental Impact Fee

There is a charge collected and paid through customs at the time of import as a special Environmental Impact Fee of:

CI$250.00 - Motor Vehicles (other than a motor cycle) imported into the Islands
CI$75.00 - Motorcycles imported into the Islands
CI$5.00 - Lead-Acid Batteries imported into the Islands (when imported separately)
CI$2.00 – Tires for motor vehicle imported into the Islands (when imported separately)

Local Ports

The mission at the Port Authority of The Cayman Islands is to contribute to the economic development of the Cayman Islands by fostering and stimulating commerce and shipment of freight. This is achieved by effectively managing the maritime affairs of the Cayman Islands and by accommodating the volume of imports by sea through the provision of sufficient docking and cargo handling/storage facilities.

Being a very well-known tourist destination, the Cayman Islands strive to assist in the promotion of tourism through the provision of appropriate arrival and departure facilities for cruise ship passengers.

Port of Cayman Brac

Port of Cayman Brac at the Creek handles the same size vessels as the George Town facilities and is able to handle increasing volumes of cargo.

George Town

The George Town cruise passenger landing dock was upgraded to provide an attractive setting to passengers and improve security for Immigration and Customs purposes.

Our Cayman Islands Team